Prevent & Cure Alzheimer’s diseases in 28 days.
Week 1
Lack of structure, order and/or a system.
Welcome video + PowerPoint/ take action work+ exercise video
This week is all about the Alzheimer’s disease! What is it? How it starts and how it impacts the human body.
Week 2
Setting up your family for failure.
Welcome video+ PowerPoint/ take action + exercise video
This week is all about nutrition, detox and diet.
Week 3
Caregiver, Abuser or Both?
Welcome video+ PowerPoint/ take action + exercise video
This week you will learn how to care for your love one without do a harm to them.
Week 4
The Shattered Mirror: Reflection of a Forgotten Dreams Of The Future.
Welcome video +PowerPoint/ take action +exercise video
This week, you will discover the reasons why other treatments have failed to bring lasting relief. You will also learn what you can do differently to set your family on a path towards a successful journey of healing, one that leads to sustainable results.